Ask for a free quote: Mailing lists all Europe

Direct Mailing Lists all Europe

Advertise successfully with individually selected mailing lists

Records for mailings lists from all over the World,
complete with guarantee

B2B: We have tested business records with the names of decision makers: all industries, organisations, freelance professionals, and associations. This also includes records from the health sector, including doctors, therapists, and pharmaceutical companies.
B2C: Current consumer, household, or private mailing lists are selected according to personal interests and activities, age group, purchasing power, and living situation.
95% Garantie 95% guarantee: As a Swiss company, we carefully select from reliable and tested list owners. In case something goes wrong, we guarantee you 95% postal deliverability. If you achieve less, you will not only receive replacements, but also a 100 Euro credit.

Inquire online now about prices,
free and without commitment

For an individual quote, we need information about your desired target group or planned campaign, as well as your contact info. CEBUS also supplies small quantities from 288 Euros and up.

Free quote for addresses of companies, organizations, physicians
Free quote for addresses of consumers & households

Why should I order from CEBUS?

Mailing list providers are naturally interested in selling their stocks as often as possible. CEBUS as a neutral, independent list broker, takes the customer-friendly approach. We offer you the records best suited to your campaign and budget.
Upon request, CEBUS will create dispatch labels for you or supply a fully-formatted PDF file for your label printer.

All common forms of payment are accepted

Payment methods

How can I pay?

An IBAN bank account is provided for international payments.
A payment via PayPal is also available.
All major credit cards can also be billed via PayPal. A PayPal account is not required.
You will see the payment options once you have chosen an offer.
Once payment is made, the records will be delivered via the list owner and by email as a password-protected MS Excel or CSV text file.